Using Garlic is a myth spread by Vampires to get their victims to season themselves.
December 27, 2008
Hate My Life
Hate My Life - Theory of a Deadman
While I'm out and about posting things this night, I figure I'd link you all to another interesting sight.
Prop 8: The Musical.
December 26, 2008
Life is full of it...
Happy Late Christmas, everyone. =3
Carol Of The Bells - Trans Siberian Orchestra
Also Que's Birthday passed on the 19th.
Here's a present:
Anywhoo...I'll post some rough works laters, when I have more motivation to scan. =3
BTW, anyone do anything special for Christmas?
Musics listening too:
Found this cool version of Carol of Bells:
Carol Of The Bells - Mae
PS: Get well soon Jace D=
December 23, 2008
My Appendix ASPLODED! T_T
December 16, 2008
A Question
And also, I'm trying to figure out why sexy scenes are so hard for me to write. Maybe because I haven't had any? >_> But I've never cut off someone's fingers with a katana or hang glided off a skyscraper either, and both those things came to me with no problem. Weird.
December 8, 2008
Your mom's a rooftop & Dear PETA
On a lazy note, does anyone have a reallllllllllly favorite video game for the NES? I'm looking at making another scarf and obviously the pixly NES is the best way to go with making stuff. Who knows, I may spread Christmas cheer with a scarf or whatnot for someone. Anyone who doesn't know of my crocheting shud check out my dA link on the side. Usually I'm lazyandm ake things like mittens, scarves, and hats (with cat ears). That or I'll draw (Yes Bru, I'll get to you next....who else is joining the fun?)
Uhhhhh, for work we had to choose a state to be in. I intelligently chose Wisconsin (I was 19th to choose) anyone out there, I know all your rules and regulations. I was laughing cause like, if I really want, there's a good chance I can work in WA...around Seattle I think...with a pay raise. Fun fun!
Oh! PETA is telling us to tell the wildlife fish federation or something to stop torturing fish...but cause fish is such a horrible name, they refer to fish as "sea kittens." Anyone who knows me, knows that I am Mac, and not PC. (Ha ha...get the joke? I love PC's but I hate politically correct...) So, you were supposed to send a petition letter of which they pre-wrote for you! Seriously, what idiots. So, I used the PETA site and sent an email. Here it is:
Please ignore PETA's silly requests as anyone who calls a fish a "sea kitten" seriously has some issues. I believe this if any action is to be taken, that we get some psychologists to look after the people of PETA as they seem to have some serious issues here. There should be no torture to mankind listening to such mindless dribble and I believe that the FWS is doing a fine job as it is.
I didn't read the junk that was on this main page, but if you would like a good chuckle, here is the link:
Please don't change or fall to such silly demands with terms such as "sea kittens" as a flower by any other name would smell just as sweet.
A Muscaro.
December 3, 2008
The State of Brutus
November 25, 2008
Shading, parsay

-End post.
November 23, 2008
Things i do with my time
November 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Me

Uhhhhhmm...not much else I guess. I'm listening to Meja and I am always late to the draw, but I love her late 90's stuff. Her voice is so...just I dunno...listening to her music has such an effect on me that either cheers me up or calms me to a mellow state.
Oh, and for fun, a little old skool writing for laughs for those who never got to see it:
A plumber fighting Wario
Pimpin' my princess to King Koopa
Not paying so I fight the Koopa Troopa
Eating my mushrooms
Bringing bad guys to their doom
Grabbing a fire flower
Frying goombas with my power
No one stands in my way
I look at the Boo and he goes astray
Pirana plants get fried
Kicking them off to the side
Entering the pipe in the ground
Finding 1-ups in blocks I pound
Platforms rising and falling
Jumping past them as the time limit's calling
Through another pipe into the water
Burning Cheep-Cheeps into seaweed fodder
The final castle where Bowser resides
Stomping Bullet Bills to get where the princess hides
Getting past fireballs and grabbing the axe
Bowser falls into the flames as the bridge contracts
Getting back the lady and all the mushroom men
Waiting for Bowser to steal her all over again
November 21, 2008
Chatty oddness:
Drawing Stress

I already have the next page planned out, and I'm working on the sketches.
These are gonna be the silly versions of KOTNM.
I won't start putting up story, until I get about 10 pages of story comic done. @__@
Anyway, working hard, fighting the forces of.....good, and praying to god people don't light the fuse that is my temper.
My district manager almost lit that fuse.
My manager, my district manager, and myself, were talking about Prop 8, and that it was in the process of being established California. Now being the Catholic that she is(and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Catholics and Christians at all.); she makes a comment something along the lines of:
"You know what's really ironic, when gay marriage was legalized there, before Prop 8, there were all kinds of fires, and storms, and earthquakes. It was like God was punishing them."
Ori was doing his best to not get fired at that point.
What was going through Ori's head at the time:
That doesn't make you any better than the religious radicals that decide to crash planes into our buildings(Although I swear it's still an inside job by Bush and his administrators but we won't get into that) and justifying, that it was in the name of their god, or god's wrath.
To be honest, I could care less if a same sex couple gets married. It doesn't harm me in any way. However, Prop 8 does harm me. It takes the marital ceremony, and puts it into the government's hands. meaning if you get married in a church or chapel, or elope, it's not legal until you go through the government. Also it gets rid of domestic partnership.
For more info on Prop 8: Click
Anyway, I'm thinking of having art contests on the blog....Opinions welcome and encouraged.
Oh...and I leave you with a video of epic badassery!
(Was shown this by my buddy Mike XD)
My thoughts as I sat there for near half an hour watching the fire-fighters struggle to put it out was. "Why the hell am I getting so giddy watching a building burn down." All the while trying to keep myself from grinning like an idiot. So, yes it was a bad thing, building going up in smoke like that. But I couldn't help but to just be awed by the sight of a 2 story building billowing flames. Part of me wishes to see an even larger fire at this point, the other part slaps myself and says that would be very bad and I know it. *sigh*
Well, I'll always have the memory...
November 20, 2008
Self-Promotion! *cough*

Chapter One: Forever Silenced?
Have you ever read The Five People You Meet in Heaven? Well, my story kind of starts out like that. I say ‘kind of’ because my story doesn’t start when I end up getting killed from a dysfunctional carnival ride while trying to save a young girl. I’d never get an awesome death like that. Instead, I die for a totally stupid, selfish reason – slitting my wrists. In my defense, it was an accident at first, but that doesn’t exactly justify the fact that I was cutting myself in the first place. What can I say; I have a problem coping with my issues. But that’s not the point. The point is - I died. I died in a horrible way, lying on a cold, linoleum floor all alone, watching the blood seeping out of me and not being able to do anything to stop it. I died with the sound of a 911 operator shouting frantically in my ear when I didn’t respond. I died with the realization that although I’ll never go to college or get a career and have two point five children, at least I won’t have to be in pain anymore. And in those days, I had a lot of pain. I can’t remember it too clearly anymore, but I assume that is was there.
Death isn’t like what people think it is. It’s a lot… darker. Heaven is nothing but a big black void, actually, or at least that’s the way it is in my heaven at first. What does that mean? Well, here, let me start at the beginning.
I died in December. It was snowing. The air was fresh and ice cold, and as I trudged home from school one afternoon it made the hairs on my arms stand up and my teeth chatter. The roads were filled with dark gray or brown slush, which only seemed to amplify my bad mood. Life wasn’t exactly good when you’d been rejected once again by the guy you were madly in love with, who just happened to be your best friend, and the girl that he was in love with was your worst enemy (in your mind, anyway), who was so much more prettier and smarter and more popular than you. When I looked in the mirror back in those days, I saw nothing but inadequacy, and it broke me. I believe it was the first time that Terrell – the aforementioned boy – rejected my love when I came from school and cut myself. I realize that it’s a bad idea to formulate your opinion of yourself based on that of a boy, but whoever said teenage girls were logical? The cut that killed me was ironic in that it was an accident – I had slid that razor over my flesh (across the street, not down the road) when the phone rang, loud and hard.
I jumped. The house had been dead (pardon the pun) quiet before then, and the blaring noise shocked me. The razor went wild, slicing much deeper and closer to my wrist than I had intended. And then the blood oozed out; bright red and angry and beautifully dangerous.
I didn’t think it was that serious. It seemed superficial at first, just one of those cuts that bleed a lot very quickly but really didn’t require more than a bandage. But after I pressed a wet towel to the wound and went on with my business, I started to feel woozy. I removed the towel, and though five minutes had passed it was still bleeding. In a panic I called 911.
“I think I’m dying,” I told the operator, sitting cross-legged on the bathroom floor. I glanced up at the clock. 4:30 P.M. My dad would be home soon, and needless to say he would be very displeased if he found his daughter bleeding all over his clean tiles and bath rugs.
“What is the nature of your emergency?” The operator - a woman - answered in a bored, you’re-so-not-dying tone. Idly, I remember thinking that that’s not the impression someone trained to help you is supposed to give off.
I glanced down at my wrist, wiping away another large puddle of blood forming on my arm. The gash underneath it was ragged and ugly. “I slit my wrist.”
The operator made an ‘hmm’ sound. “Are you suicidal?”
“No. It was an accident. Are you calling an ambulance or what?”
“What is the address of your current residence, ma’am?” I told her. “An ambulance is on its way, ma’am. In the mean time, I want you to follow my instructions carefully, okay?”
I peered under the towel again, feeling nauseous. “Okay.”
“I want you to apply pressure to the wound with a clean towel. Don’t move it for any reason.”
I guiltily replaced the towel on my wrist and pressed hard, wincing from the pain. “Okay, I did that.”
“Good. Now make sure to keep it elevated - above your chest, okay? Keep calm, and breathe deeply if you start to feel nauseous.”
I nodded even though I knew she couldn’t see me. Really though, would dying be so bad? I had diabetes and asthma, and my best friend didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. My parents were divorced and I was often depressed. Why else would I have been cutting in the first place? I looked at the old scars adorning my forearms and legs, and I began to wonder. What would it be like if I died, I thought? Wouldn’t it be great if I didn’t have to deal with this shit anymore? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I didn’t have to worry about getting good grades when I really couldn’t care less? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could just sleep forever, instead of living the life everyone else wanted me to lead? Who was to say that I hadn’t been working up to suicide in the first place? I hadn’t necessarily believed a year ago that I would start cutting, either. As more and more blood left my body, I was scared, and yet, I was at peace. No more dealing with the harsh realities of life. No more watching the world go to hell around me. It’s not that I believed in an afterlife or anything, but I was happy to admit that if I died, I could be completely, utterly, at peace. No more pain. Just… nothing.
And it was with this stupid belief in mind that I took my razor in hand and made another cut; this time, I actually did go down the road. It hurt like a sonuvabitch, and I found myself crying out in pain as more blood spurted all over the place. After a couple minutes, however, the pain subsided, leaving me comfortable, unequivocally, numb. I allowed myself to smile even as tears slipped down my cheeks.
“Miss? Miss?” The operator called frantically. “Are you still there? Please answer me so I can now you’re still conscious.”
“It’s all right,” I slurred, my eyelids drawing closed. “I don’t need help anymore.”
“Miss?! What do you mean? Has the ambulance arrived?”
“No,” I answered, lying belly up on the floor. I removed the towel from my arm and let the blood ooze on to the rug. I didn’t need help to die. I could do that all by myself. I do remember thinking that it was sad to die alone, though, watching as all my blood from my arm seeped into the cracks of the tiles and into the fibers of the bathmats. But I didn’t exactly want my parents to see me like this either… The blood was such a bright red, it was intoxicating. It’s amazing how full of the stuff we all are. I’d never seen so much blood – outside of the movies, anyway. After that little observation, there was nothing. I can only assume that I fell unconscious before I finally died.
But I was there when my dad found my body thirty minutes later, the sight of blood so appalling that it caused him to fall to his knees. I remember reaching out to him, but having my hand fade right through his big, soft warm body.
It’s odd being a ghost. I whispered my final goodbye before everything finally faded away.
November 17, 2008
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Hullo again sports fans. Jacen here with another anime for you to enjoy. To Aru Majutsu no Index, a.k.a. A Certain Magical Index; in a world where psychic powers are common but magic supposedly doesn't exist, Kamijō Tōma, a low level esper who's only ability seems to be canceling out other's powers with his right hand, is sent on a wild ride when a nun by the name of Index shows up on his doorstep claiming to be chased by Sorcerers...and turns out not to be lying.
This series is fun, well written and action packed with some truly beautiful animation. The story is compelling and seems to only be getting better after the introduction eps. Tōma is a good guy, unfortunately suffering from seemingly unending bad luck. Index is precious, cute as a button. Fan service so far has been kept to a minimum thankfully and the show seems to be a good mix of comedy and action with actual story thrown in. Hopefully it will stay that way. I recommend this one highly and as we're only up to episode seven, now is a good time to get in.
That's all for now. Good night, and keep watching the skis! Uhh...skies...>_> (ten points if you get the reference ^_^)
P.S. Happy Birthday Ori-Kun and Kei-Chan! You're both another year more awesome!
November 15, 2008
Guess what Today IS?
November 14, 2008
Kei's Quota
Now, I don't have much to say at the moment, but I figure to contribute along with things, I'll add some posts about something that is amusing. I wanted to do like in Family Guy and have a "You know what grinds my gears" kinda thing, and maybe I will, tho it's overdone quite a bit, but I can always make it more amusing. I'm Kei, and I love to comedy it up...or just complain about lots of things.
But seriously tho, know what grinds my gears? When people just walk across the street in traffic. Usually I stop for people, but now that I go to Springfield, I wanna hit people. It's like I stop and let someone go and they have their pants down to their knees and they walk like as slow as possible as if there's nothing in the world going on save for the 100 people waiting to go by. I mean, I know it's hard to walk with pants that low, and then I wonder why wear pants at all at that point. But I digress, there's tons of people who are in a cross walk for about a millisecond while there's traffic and just think its okay to jump out and walk slow. It makes me feel one of the poor drivers in Saints Row where you just fall out in front of a car and get hit to get money. I'm hoping one day they realize we need a good bumper system like with bumper cars where you can just effectively hit people to the side without killing them. Maybe not, I don't know. I guess then I'd be going out of my way to hit everyone on the sidewalk and especially deaf people. I can dream.
And one last note before I run to work. I was on a site getting some costumes and I saw in the maid section that the #3 bestseller is a Men's Large (or XL, I forget) maid costume. Is that not odd or creepy? Coming from me, I guess it's funny, but yeah lol, I just found that as hilarious.
Anywho, I hope everyone has fun, and if you REALLY wanna be a maid, come to me. I'll be the guy in the maid costume...but then again they're just SOOOO COMMON so good luck finding me!
November 11, 2008
Chatty Goodness No. 4 & 5
[14:22] Kei: Uh
[14:22] Kei: I enjoy Finland, long walks into the ocean, Wii, drawing, creating a universe in which we cna live and enjoy
[14:22] Starke: and sweedish porn
[14:23] Oriphan: And japanese hentai
[14:23] Starke: and american hentai
[14:24] Starke: "I enjoy long romantic walks on the beach and wearing my ex's skins like suits
[14:24] Starke: "
[14:24] Kei: There you go, a perfect profile.
[14:25] Kadunta: "I'm an introverted male with an academic degree. 'Renovate to your liking'."
[14:25] Oriphan: I think I'm getting turned on....
[14:25] Oriphan: lol
[14:25] * Starke stops scratching the inside of Oriphan
[14:25] Kei: So you're an old skool Finn
[14:25] Starke: er
[14:25] Starke: fuck
[14:25] Starke: that's not what I was going to type
[14:25] Oriphan: Oh wait...that was just Starke
[14:25] Oriphan: lol.
[14:26] Kei: that was.....
[14:26] * Starke stops scratching the inside of Oriphan's thigh*
[14:26] Kei: yeah.
[14:26] Starke: I hit enter instead of '
[14:26] Oriphan: lmao
[14:26] Kei: uh huh
[14:26] Kadunta: I don't know how it goes in English... but "Renovate to your liking" in house ads means "Inhabitable without a thorough renovation."
[14:26] Kei: that'swhat's called a freudian slip =p
[14:26] Oriphan: Well I have this itch on the inside of my throat I was hoping you could take care of, Starkeh
[14:26] Kei: renovate to your liking means "change me however you want"
[14:27] Kadunta: Yah. That too.
[14:28] Kadunta: Tomorrow to maybe join a union.
[14:28] Kei: I stil say
[14:28] Kei: you just need to get out there
[14:28] Kei: and talk to people
[14:28] Kei: about anything
[14:28] Kei: find things to enjoy
[14:28] Kei: make fun for fun
[14:28] Starke: well
[14:28] Starke: anything except how best to skin a prostitute
[14:28] Oriphan: Mind if I turn that part of the convo into chatty goodness No. 4 on the Blog?
[14:29] Starke: that one tends to make for akward dates
[14:29] Kei: lol =p
We end up having the most fucked up convos sometimes. lol
Yes I had one in real life that was fun. It happened During D&D yesterday. I can't quote it word for word, but I'll try my best:
Julie: So would I be able to see the enemy passed the wolf?
Dan2: Well yeah
Miso Dan: Well, if you think about it, a wolf doesn't take up all those squares. I mean a wolf consists of legs, teeth and claws.
Ori: No you won't. Wolves take up 10 ft squares because they're cubed. [snickers]
[pauses for a moment....]
I'ma draw that.
[wonders if you could apply a gelatinous cube template to a wolf....]

Hope you guys enjoyed this.
November 9, 2008
Hai Guiz 8D
I love anime/manga, so it's nice to know a lot of you do, too! Not that I've been reading or watching anything new lately... I've had volume one of D-Grayman for two months now and I STILL haven't read it, but some of my all time favorite series are Fushigi Yugi, Detective Conan, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Princess Mononoke. I'm a closet romantic, but when I'm out of the closet I like to watch things blow up. Hell yes. So, naturally I LOVED the Dark Knight and want to see it again. :P
Let's see... what else... I have a pug mix/mut named Pepsi, and I spend way too much time on the computer. I love drawing, writing, and reading... (I have to admit that one of my most geeky habits is writing fanfiction for anime series), and I'm bipolar. I have no idea why you should know that, but I told you, so there. But it's not like I'm a psycho or anything, so you're all safe. OR ARE YOU. *shifty eyes* I also have an obsession with chocolate and naptime. And that's pretty much all there is to me. ^_^
Thanks for reading!
Blogmics, Anime, and Manga, Oh my!
no more, being hot!
No more, being pissy about the heat!
And sweatshirts, long sleeves, and scarves, Hazzah!
I finally snowed the other day. ^__^ It didn't stick, but that means that there's a wonderful possibility that it'll snow on me birthday. I was getting worried when we were still getting 70 degree weather. Yay, global warming! [/sarcasm]
Anyway, enough about the damn weather. Kei had suggested I start a blogmic. Since then I've thought about it, and decided I wanted to take a crack at it. unfortunately, updates are going to be far and few, due to the fact that I'm trying to get a second full time job on top of my part time job. [shrugs] I plan on drawing every chance I get.
Anyway, I've decided to start by giving a crack at drawing out the first 3 characters.
Here's Kei ^__^

Here's Bru:

and here's Ori:

I'll post more sketches later.
As for anime, I've been watching some anime here and there.
One disappointment is Funimation's licensing of Shikabane Hime Aka after episode 3. @_@
ah well....
I'll sum up what I've gathered so far about the anime, in one line.
Chick in school uniform, killing undead with a pair of Oozies.
And now I'm watching Kuroshitsuji. So far it's interesting. What I gathered so far is a child aristocrat, who works for the Queen of England, and has a badass butler, who can do almost anything. I've only watched 4 episodes, but I'm anticipating episode 5. ^__^ ((I don't wanna give away too much @_@))
And finally Manga. Ooo I love manga. My current read inclues, Clamp's Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles. Which looks like they might be completing this series. ^^ ((anime's no where near as good as the manga.))
Also, you can't read TRC without reading XXXHolic. I love stories about the supernatural. It's a manga that goes hand in hand with TRC.
And now my obsessive manga addiction includes Katekyo Hitman Reborn! What a fun read! It has action, comedy, and the Mafia. What's not to love?
Anyway...why spoil the fun and tell you more, when you can read them for free here: OneManga
and so far they've been pretty good at their updates. =3
Ugh, I have no time to edit this, I have work in 20 minutes.
So please excuse bad grammar and spelling errors. T__T
November 8, 2008
I'm Making A Post And Checking It Twice
Anywho, I'm already ready for Left 4 Dead. More Co-op fun! tons of zombies coming at you and you and ur friends gotta stay alive. It seems fun to me at least lol. Yeah, I'm all about gaming and insurance right now.
Anything else I can say...uhhm it's also really interesting to finally get to be a guy. 9-10 years of me posing as a girl (both being forced than voluntarily) and I learned so much through all of that stuff. I figure if we get that blog-ic on here (why is blogic not coming up on here as a typo?) I'll end up as a girl again but I'm happy with that. After all the years of being treated one way, now people can be confused, save for all my buddies that know who I really am. Either way, it's a really cool experience and it's not something I can tell people to try, but it's fun to try if you can fit the part.
Next post, I'll try to put a bunch of pictures up or something. How about my art wall when I get a chance? I get kinda iffy on that cause I don't want to take pics out of my portfolio (that no one looks at) and paste them on poster board to my wall (glue stick so they come off easily). I need to find a way to be able to fit them on. I ws thinknig of maybe able to liek cut slits in the corners and hold the paper by its corners, I'm not sure.
There we go, thre's my post.
November 5, 2008
Greetings and a First Review
Well, I never actually thought I'd find myself posting in a blog but here I am and darn it, I intend to post regularly. A bit of personal info to start. I'm Jacen, maybe that's my real name, maybe not. I'm from the South Eastern United States and yes, living less than an hour from the beach is awesome. Living closer would be too, except for those darn hurricanes. If you're interested in my interests, check out the appropriate section of my profile. I'll be writing here often I hope, giving reviews of things I'm currently interested in, books, anime, politics, what have you. Big thanks to Ori-kun for giving me the opportunity to do so. So, without any further prattling on about myself since I know you really don't care anyway, I'll get on with my first review.
Yozakura Quartet! The story of a small town in, you guessed it, Japan, where humans and youkai live together in relative harmony. When youkai go bad, our team of...public servants actually...almost all of whom seem to be teenagers or younger...including the mayor...uh...go figure...jump into action, ready to take down the bad guy and put things right again.
So far, only five episodes are out but to be honest, this is already one of my all time favorites. The characters are fun and engaging and there seems to be some real story here. As near as I can tell there are only 12 episodes expected so far which to me is a shame, especially considering the manga is already up to five volumes (which I fully intend to find a copy of). I'll keep you all posted if there is a change in the number of episodes. I truly recommend you put this on your to watch list if you haven't already.
Sayonara for now,
A Date Of History
Anywho, I don't understand why people care so much that it's "history." I mean, yeah there's meaning to having a black president and all, but at the same time, I'd rather choose someone who is going to be a good president, not a black president, or a female vice president. I also dislike that Bush got in for being a "devoted Catholic." In all these days of history, it seems like, people care more for the useless details than for what is really going to matter.
That also brings up one more thing to me. A number of people say I have no right to speak of any of this because I didn't vote. The last time I checked, I am in the USA and we have the freedom of speech. Everyone talks politics before the voting and my views don't change how is my right to speak about politics denied or unjustified? I dunno. I really don't know why this post. Maybe it's cause of all the people on my MSN with "TODAY IS A DAY OF HISTORY" and I'm like "I just want to survive...I could care less if he's black."
Stalkers Guide to Que
As for now I leave you with a short clip to watch
*changed to youtube version*
Its sad that Peter represents an amazingly large portion of Americans.
November 4, 2008
4 years ago, I registered up in Blacksburg, where my university is, because I didn't want to deal with absentee ballots. They switched my polling place this year, which was annoying.
However, the school diverted a bunch of busses to shuttle students out to the new polling places, which was awesome. BUt what made my day was this: after i voted, i was looking at waiting about 30 minutes for the next bus to show up, when a nice little old lady pulled up and offered myself, and 3 other students a lift back to campus. No strings attached, no "Who did you vote for" none of it. Just a ride. It was really nice of her. Whats niceer is when we got to campus, she offered anotehr bunch of students waiting for a bus a lift to the polling place.
Sometimes people are awesome :)
November 3, 2008
Chatty Goodness No. 3
Found Here:
Room: #misfile
Ok...I know this is a bit pushing it with the adult if you're too young to understand some of shouldn't be looking at this blog. =__=
[15:54] Oriphan: konnichiwa?
[15:57] Bru|Movie: hola
[15:57] Oriphan: What movie are you watching?
[15:57] Bru|Movie: actually, it finished a lil while ago, and i just ifnished up some group work, but ive been too lazy to change the nick
[15:58] Oriphan: lol
[15:58] Bru|Movie: I was watching A Bridge Too Far
[15:58] Oriphan: Bru, Kei Suggested we make a Blogmic
[15:58] Bru|Movie: *nod*
[15:58] Oriphan: If I do decide to go through with it...can I use your character?
[15:58] Bru|Movie: which character? :)
[15:58] Oriphan: Ugh.....
[15:59] Bru|Movie: *chuckles*
[15:59] * Furvert_Fable2 slaps Bru with the deathfish
[15:59] * Oriphan fishes through all the pr0n Bru drew
[15:59] Furvert_Fable2: how about that one?
[16:00] Oriphan: That'll work
[16:00] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:00] * Oriphan drags Bru's corpse away
[16:01] Oriphan: pick Bru...
[16:01] Oriphan: Just remember it must represent you.
[16:01] Oriphan: so no big tittied women. ^^;
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: damn!
[16:01] Oriphan: ((and it must have a Goatee hee hee))
[16:01] Bru|Movie: huh
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:01] Bru|Movie: well you could go with the Chibi Bru i did back when Kei was gonna do a comic to begin with
[16:01] Bru|Movie: as slutty punk girl does not represnet me
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: well it might bru we dont know what u do off line o.O
[16:02] Bru|Movie: well tru
[16:02] Bru|Movie: there have been a few slutty punk girls i wouldnt mind banging i've met...
[16:02] Oriphan:
[16:02] Oriphan: that one?
[16:03] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:03] Furvert_Fable2: heh i remember when u drew that
[16:04] Bru|Movie: yeah that one
[16:04] Oriphan: Hmmm....Lemme give your character a shot.
[16:04] Bru|Movie: and yeah, you would. you were around back then ^^:
[16:04] Oriphan: where the fuck is my stash of blank sketch paper? =__=
[16:04] * Oriphan fishes through desk
[16:05] Furvert_Fable2: hehe ya i feel like an old fuck been around the misfile place for what 5yrs now?
[16:05] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:06] Bru|Movie: shit yeah, you and me both smurf, near enough
[16:06] Tora-Chan: yo
[16:06] Furvert_Fable2: ya feels weird tho when u think about, its like man we've been BS'in and shit for the past 5 yrs and yet were still as fuckd up as we were when we meet
[16:07] * Bru|Movie laughs
[16:07] Bru|Movie: we're probably more screwed up then when we got here, who are you kiddin
[16:07] Furvert_Fable2: meh true we probably are
[16:07] Oriphan: Wah!
[16:07] Oriphan: I just about stepped on me poor pussy!
[16:07] Oriphan: T__T
[16:08] Oriphan: He was napping underneith his giant pillow.
[16:08] Oriphan: And I stepped on it.
[16:08] Furvert_Fable2: .... well maybe u should keep it more attached to ya then
[16:08] Oriphan: I mean my cat
[16:08] Oriphan: @_@
[16:08] Furvert_Fable2: oh well u should have said cat not pussy
[16:08] Bru|Movie: *chuckles*
[16:08] Oriphan: Same difference
[16:08] Oriphan: =P
[16:09] Bru|Movie: yup
[16:09] Furvert_Fable2: well no, cuz i like pussy but dont like cats and plus i cant fuck a cat but i can fuck a pussy
[16:09] Oriphan: and...I now have a stretching pussy under me desk....
[16:09] Oriphan: ...and it purrs.
[16:10] Oriphan: Are you sure about that last part Furvert?
[16:10] Oriphan: this is the internet you know...
[16:10] * Oriphan shivers
[16:10] Furvert_Fable2: no but if i were to fuck a cat now i dont think the police would find it as funny as i would
[16:10] Oriphan: @__@
[16:10] * Bru|Movie chuckles
[16:11] Furvert_Fable2: well it true tho
[16:11] Oriphan: indeed
[16:11] Oriphan: Dammit...I wish I could post this on the blog. lol.
[16:11] Oriphan: but I'm thinking I'm pushing it a little too far
[16:11] Bru|Movie: why cant you?
[16:11] Oriphan: I would need consent from Furvert
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: ROFL
[16:12] Bru|Movie: he'll give it :P
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: for 5$
[16:12] Oriphan: I dunno...we're talking about him like he can't read this shit
[16:12] Bru|Movie: for free *beats with deathfish*
[16:12] Oriphan: lmao
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: owww oww ok for free just stop with the deathfish! that my weapon!
[16:13] Furvert_Fable2: Bru draw more cat girls............ >.>
Well...right now I'm working on Jace's drawing, since i promised him, I'd draw a character for him. And I'm also doodling here and there, as well as drawing concept sketches. All while working, and trying to get a second job @_@
November 1, 2008
Halloween...The Aftermath
Unfortunately I didn't get as shitfaced as I hoped; @_@ but ah well.
We went to some friends' house for a party, ended up watching Hellsing, The Devil's Backbone, Family Guy, and the Daily Show with John Stewart (Scary, huh?), while drinking Yeager Bombs and jello shots, and downing Tacos. It was fun. Almost everyone dressed up. Sharon dressed up as Sarah Pallin with a shotgun, and a pin that said "hocky Mom". lol. Our friends Dan, and Krista(Hope I spelled it right, dear.) Dressed up as a kick boxer, and an undead bride. (the dress was beautiful =3). Justin dressed up as an old world European aristocrat. And our buddy mike dressed up as Captain Hammer from Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
Here's thee trailer if you guys wanna check it out. ((I'm not into musicals really))
anyway, the night went well, but the guys started playing Risk, which I felt was a bad idea, since it's a strategy game that takes 2-3 hours...I mean holy shit. Not to mention I wanted to make another party I promised to attend. [eye twitches]
Anyway, we bid our farewells, and headed to a party outside of town at 1:30 am. Unfortunately we were too late and missed the drama. [shrugs.] But I have to admit it was fun assassinating people, per the "boss's" Orders. ((The Host of the party is actually my boss at Subway. lol.)) after chill'n out and shooting the shit, I got bored and started holding people up with the air soft gun. It was pretty sweet since I got pocket change and candy out of it. =3 Wish I had some pictures. I'd post them here for you guys. Anyway, Justin and I took it upon ourselves to play some Marvel Vs. Capcom on the XBox. It was fun, but not as fun as Brawl.
3 am hit and Justin was getting a headache and a stomach ache from the smoke machine and the loud heavy metal music, we headed home. Since I was the only one drinking he drove.
And that's about the jist of our night. ^__^
Anyway...Thinking about playing Marvel Vs. Capcom last night, got me watching some videos on YouTube this guys did for Marvel Vs. DC. Bru knows what I'm talking about. lol.
I'll post some videos here. Check out this guys stuff. it's hilarious.
Here's some videos:
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: After Hours #2
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #3
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman #2
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman #3
PS: Booya! First Post of the new Month
PPS: Ugh...I couldn't get the Halloween Drawing project done. T__T Ah well...
PPPS: And I'm sleepy:

October 30, 2008
October 29, 2008
And sometimes, you get a pleasant surprise
October 28, 2008
Chatty Goodness No.2
BTW...Beards...are...Awesome! XD
[00:07] jacenmandarin: *glomp*
[00:07] Demon_012: Meeps!
[00:07] Demon_012: [falls over]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: Hello super awesome person! ^_^
[00:08] Demon_012: O__O
[00:08] Demon_012: [stares]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: *huggles the super awesome Reigh-sama*
[00:10] Demon_012: Gah!
[00:10] Demon_012: What's with Sama?
[00:10] Demon_012: O.o
[00:10] jacenmandarin: *kneels before you*
[00:11] * Demon_012 stares
[00:11] jacenmandarin: Because, my Lady, that is how one addresses a Lady.
[00:11] * Demon_012 eye twitches
[00:11] Demon_012: Who you call'n a lady!?
[00:12] jacenmandarin: Would'st thou prefer Lord?
[00:14] Demon_012: Yes...yes I would actually
[00:14] Demon_012: =__O
[00:15] jacenmandarin: Very well. You're a rather beautiful Lord, did you know that? ^_^
[00:15] Demon_012: ^^;
[00:15] Demon_012: I'd rather be a badass ninja serving under a princess
[00:15] * Demon_012 has sparkly eyes
[00:16] jacenmandarin: Okay. You can be the Ninja, I'll be the princess.
[00:16] Demon_012: Woohoo!
[00:16] jacenmandarin: *digs out one of the old TF guns*
[00:16] * Demon_012 throws arms up in the air
[00:16] * Demon_012 kicks it out of his hands
[00:16] Demon_012: nu
[00:16] jacenmandarin: What?
[00:16] Demon_012: You have to wear a dress as a pretty man
[00:16] * Demon_012 snickers
[00:16] jacenmandarin: I needs to turn myself into a princess..
[00:16] jacenmandarin: But..I'm not pretty.
[00:16] jacenmandarin: :(
[00:16] jacenmandarin: T_T
[00:17] Demon_012: j00r pretty enough.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: No
[00:17] Demon_012: now, put on the dress! >__<
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I haz beard.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I not prettyz.
[00:17] Demon_012: We'll braid the beard
[00:17] Demon_012: it'll be awesome
[00:17] jacenmandarin: okay, now you're scaring me...
[00:17] Demon_012: lmao
[00:17] Demon_012: XD
PS: I finished that present for Kim <333

October 26, 2008
What lies ahead
Check it:

I really needed practice on hands. So almost every drawing I do I'll be adding hands, instead of hiding them. The Apple's name is Core. ((Haha....please don't flog me.)) Anyway, Core was a bitch to color, and as you can tell the ring was Photoshopped, because I f**ked that up too. Meh...I'll keep on practicing though.
Here's my WIP:

It's a gift for my little bro. I have to get around to going over it with a softer lead, and cleaning it up. If the pencilwork comes out satisfactory, I might CG this one later in Photoshop. And once again....Hands =__=
Once I'm done with this one I'll be working on a free commish for my buddy Jace.
I still need to draw something up for Halloween. And finish the site graphics for this blog.
Rant: I hate getting paper cuts from things other than paper. Like plastic salad bowls at Subway.
October 23, 2008
Mmmm...the Chatty Goodness 1
Demon 012:

Brutus: hms
Brutus: nice, but therese on problem
Demon 012: Oh?
Brutus: no boobs
Demon 012: No shit
Demon 012: I'm making a stand against gender. >.>
Brutus: *pokes* you as boobs. ergo, id should have boobs *nods sagely*
Demon 012: I do
Demon 012: I'm a C cup boraderlining a D
Demon 012: *Borderlining
Brutus: *whistles* congrats ^_^
Demon 012: I hate having boobs =__= [blush]
Brutus: *fights hard not to laugh* my ex said the same thing. she was an e cup tho
Demon 012: I'ma tomboy though
Demon 012: tits are meaningless to me...MEANINGLESS!
Demon 012: Plus I dun wanna have having two milk bottles on me chest is pointless
Brutus: huh
Demon 012: ...POINTLESS!
Brutus: there is that
Brutus: but tits is not pointless
Brutus: tits are fun to play with *nods sagely*
Brutus: they are like model trains
Brutus: made for kids, but dads play with them far more
Demon 012: True...I do like playing with them every now and then
Demon 012: ...however
Demon 012: they get in mah way
Demon 012: and playing with them in public is a no no
Brutus: true
Brutus: ah well
Brutus: ^_^
Brutus: shame that, the no public play *nods sagely again*
Demon 012: I know, right....
Demon 012: >__>
Things about me
October 20, 2008
Things you should know for assassination attempts on Ori
Tactical Batons
Tear Gas....
Oh wait...that's my grocery list
I love video games:
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Force Unleashed
Mario Galaxy (Like Happy on crack I swear!)
God of War
Devil May Cry Series
Sly Cooper
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Burnout Series....
So yeah I like games
Anime...not gonna bother listing what I like.
Manga...Holy shit I read too much Manga. Let's leave it at that. >_>
Iced Tea (HOMG I love iced Tea sooooo much...I can live off that shit...well, not really.)
the internet
my cat (If you dare hold him hostage I'll kick your ass...)
Quies.(Meh....just don't kill him ok? =))
The color of Quies's eyes
I love to draw. Which is why I'm practicing
I love music sooo very...much. It frees the mind, and gets the creative juices flowing...
All my friends who are truly my friends...that includes online friends ^__^ You guys rock.
Even when I was alone you guys chased away the lonelies. <333
I hate...
People (The general public mostly)
paper cuts with cardboard boxes...
having my ears itch
people who act like sheep and believe EVERYTHING they hear or see.
most concepts of organized religion. (I like being a deist, but I'll totally respect people's beliefs and keep my comments to my self...unless some idiot decides to attack me...I'll live and let live if people do the same.))
Wars fought for stupid shit
Our country not minding our own business and worrying about foreign problems instead of worrying about our own economy
most of the republic views of how this country could be run
George W. Bush (Can't wait until election day)
Sarah Pallin (Seriously...she's so dumb, and she's so obvious about her little environmental scandals. And she's a heartless bitch, who's only in for money.)
Idiots who think our resources are INFINITE and waste them stupidly.
Spoiled Americans (And yes I'm an American too.)
Banks (Because they're such a huge scam as well.)
The color Pink...such a grotesque color in my opinion...
I wish...
I could be a hermit with internet connection
I had enough money to rescue all my friends from their miserable lives
I could walk around wear no shoes and just socks
I could find a nice pair of black bunny slippers with red eyes...In case you find some...I'm a size 6 1/2 in mens
I could afford a real katana, or a bastard sword...
I could go to college...
I could draw comics...I just can't find the drive too. meh
This list wasn't as long as it is....shit...I need to shorten it.
And so it begins...
Who knows, who cares.
Let's start a new.
Current WIP:
I'm working on a gift for my little brother Chin, who's in Switzerland. I'll post a finished drawing of it later, when I actually finish it.
Ugh...still working on the layout for this thing...