November 15, 2008

Guess what Today IS?

Turns out its Ori's birthday. Thats right. So remember to wish her a happy birthday, and bug the shit out of her, and remind her she's getting old *nod nod* ;)

in all honesty, Happy Birthday Ori!

i leave you cake


Kei Trains said...

From what I heard, you're not supposed to be celebrating this =p.

Harri Conde said...


WOW! What a cake!

Happy Birthday Ori, have a good day regadless of if you celebrate it!


Kei Trains said...

Yeah, hopefully Ori is STILL alive now! Now to celebrate my bday Saturday =D

brutus said...

huh, i'll have to find another awesome cake picture then,,,,,

Oriphan said...

Hee hee...thanks for the Cake Bru. ^__^

Ugh....what an on and off weekend. ^^;

brutus said...

an on and off weekend? Why do I think I smell a forthcoming blog post?

Oriphan said...

Nah...I've already bitched and moaned about my weekend in the chat. I'll spare some random passer by-er my eye gouging, literacy breaking, rant. ^__^
I just wanna draw and post some arts. =3
Which will happen soon. I've got a busy work week this week, but I'll try and squeeze something in. ^____^

PS: I wanna cannabalize on Mario. now. O__O

Harri Conde said...

MMm mario...

What? o.o

Why you look at me? O.O


yay, artsisacoming!