I already have the next page planned out, and I'm working on the sketches.
These are gonna be the silly versions of KOTNM.
I won't start putting up story, until I get about 10 pages of story comic done. @__@
Anyway, working hard, fighting the forces of.....good, and praying to god people don't light the fuse that is my temper.
My district manager almost lit that fuse.
My manager, my district manager, and myself, were talking about Prop 8, and that it was in the process of being established California. Now being the Catholic that she is(and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Catholics and Christians at all.); she makes a comment something along the lines of:
"You know what's really ironic, when gay marriage was legalized there, before Prop 8, there were all kinds of fires, and storms, and earthquakes. It was like God was punishing them."
Ori was doing his best to not get fired at that point.
What was going through Ori's head at the time:
That doesn't make you any better than the religious radicals that decide to crash planes into our buildings(Although I swear it's still an inside job by Bush and his administrators but we won't get into that) and justifying, that it was in the name of their god, or god's wrath.
To be honest, I could care less if a same sex couple gets married. It doesn't harm me in any way. However, Prop 8 does harm me. It takes the marital ceremony, and puts it into the government's hands. meaning if you get married in a church or chapel, or elope, it's not legal until you go through the government. Also it gets rid of domestic partnership.
For more info on Prop 8: Click
Anyway, I'm thinking of having art contests on the blog....Opinions welcome and encouraged.
Oh...and I leave you with a video of epic badassery!
(Was shown this by my buddy Mike XD)
Woo! First page is up! Awesome! And yeah, Prop. 8 sucks but...you always had to go through the government for your marriage to be legal. What I think we should do is completely separate the religious institution of marriage and the civil institution of marriage. Essentially, anyone can marry anyone else (that's old enough to marry etc.) according to law. Now, religious institutions should have to right to perform religious marriage ceremonies for whoever they want to or to deny them to whoever they want to. I doubt anyone would want to have the ceremony in a church that didn't want them there anyway. Ugh, it's six a.m. and I haven't slept yet. I hope I'm making sense. ^^; Anywho, great comic. Can't wait to see more. ^_^
Awesome comic!
*coughs* in many states, ministers or other legally ordained clergy persons can sign marriage certificates making the marriage legal. They can also write them up. So basically, a church ceremony is two birds, one stone.
The only reason I know this is because back my freshmen year, myself and 3 friends got bored and became Legally Ordained Clergy Persons under the law, thru an online church :p (for a faith i dont even follow, some bogus new age thing (not to say that bogus new age things should not be accorded all respects that they, as a religion, are due)).
However, Prop 8 does harm me. It takes the marital ceremony, and puts it into the government's hands. meaning if you get married in a church or chapel, or elope, it's not legal until you go through the government.
As Jacen said, no matter where you are in the US you've always had to go through the government for your marriage to be legal. Some states use marriage licenses, but no matter where you are the person who performs the marriage ceremony (whether they are a religious figure, judge or someone else who is certified to legally marry people) "... has a duty to send a copy of the marriage certificate to the county or state agency that records marriage certificates. Failure to send the marriage certificate to the appropriate agency does not necessarily nullify the marriage, but it may make proof of the marriage more difficult." [ http://www.usmarriagelaws.com/search/united_states/index.shtml ]
There are two reasons that I can think of for this. First, married people get various benefits on taxes and such, but if the government doesn't recognize that you're married then you don't get those benefits. The other, and in my opinion more important reason, is because every state is required under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution to recognize marriages from other states. If the government doesn't have a record of your marriage and you move to a different state, that state can pretty easily deny you the rights and priviledges of a married couple.
Um, why yes, it is a pet peeve of mine when people rant about something that they don't know anything about... why do you ask?
Oh! Also, Ori, I'd like to congratulate you. You captured Bru's inherent ebil perfectly in that comic ^_^ Can't wait to see the next one.
It's amazing how muc work had to be put into that video. And they still managed to use nothing but pieces that are actually in the game. I wouldn't have the patience for it.
just so strange...i'll take that as a compliment.
and yes, in theory, if a same sex couple were married in a state that allowed them (such as Massachusetts, i think), and they were to move to California, in principle, California (and any other state in the Union, for that matter) would have to honor that marriage license.
What if you were to get married in another state and you and your partner were of the same gender? ...would they still recognize you as married, and grant you those rights and privileges, if you were to move to California?
From what I understand/ remember from when I was in AP Gov 6 years ago, part of the reason there was such a hub-bub made when the first state (was it Connecticut? one of those up in the Northeast...) made gay marriage legal was because other less progressive and liberal states didn't want to have to extend those rights and priviledges to gay couples that got married and then moved. And it wasn't even all about the fact that they were gay and "sanctity of marriage" and all that. Some people were arguing against it because of how much tax money would be lost because so many more people would be getting married.
Currently though, I don't really know if a gay couple marries in one state and then moves to California whether or not California would have to grant them legal married status. I'm pretty sure that if that couple gets married in a state that allows such things and then moves to a state that doesn't allow gay marriage, but does allow civil unions, they would still get the same priviledges and benefits because legally I think a civil union amounts to the same thing as a marriage. Not 100% certain about that though.
I may have to do some research about this...
Shit sorry...I deleted my own post thinking it was the edit button.
(is feeling even more dumb now. lol)
So thaaaat's what happened.... I thought it was Blogger being stupid...
Yea, there doesn't seem to be an edit button....
Ah I see. And it's Massachusettes and Connecticuit who are the 2 states that allow same sex marriages. ^^
I know because I used to live in MA, and one of my teachers was married with a partner with the same gender.
She was such a nice teacher too. ^__^
yeah I noticed that now. lol.
It's been such a loooong day today...@__@
If you want I can put up what I wrote before. I think I remember the jist of what I typed.. lol.
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