November 3, 2008

Chatty Goodness No. 3

Alrighty...this one's a bit longer, and it's on an IRC chat room.
Found Here:
Room: #misfile
Ok...I know this is a bit pushing it with the adult if you're too young to understand some of shouldn't be looking at this blog. =__=

[15:54] Oriphan: konnichiwa?
[15:57] Bru|Movie: hola
[15:57] Oriphan: What movie are you watching?
[15:57] Bru|Movie: actually, it finished a lil while ago, and i just ifnished up some group work, but ive been too lazy to change the nick
[15:58] Oriphan: lol
[15:58] Bru|Movie: I was watching A Bridge Too Far
[15:58] Oriphan: Bru, Kei Suggested we make a Blogmic
[15:58] Bru|Movie: *nod*
[15:58] Oriphan: If I do decide to go through with it...can I use your character?
[15:58] Bru|Movie: which character? :)
[15:58] Oriphan: Ugh.....
[15:59] Bru|Movie: *chuckles*
[15:59] * Furvert_Fable2 slaps Bru with the deathfish
[15:59] * Oriphan fishes through all the pr0n Bru drew
[15:59] Furvert_Fable2: how about that one?
[16:00] Oriphan: That'll work
[16:00] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:00] * Oriphan drags Bru's corpse away
[16:01] Oriphan: pick Bru...
[16:01] Oriphan: Just remember it must represent you.
[16:01] Oriphan: so no big tittied women. ^^;
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: damn!
[16:01] Oriphan: ((and it must have a Goatee hee hee))
[16:01] Bru|Movie: huh
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:01] Bru|Movie: well you could go with the Chibi Bru i did back when Kei was gonna do a comic to begin with
[16:01] Bru|Movie: as slutty punk girl does not represnet me
[16:01] Furvert_Fable2: well it might bru we dont know what u do off line o.O
[16:02] Bru|Movie: well tru
[16:02] Bru|Movie: there have been a few slutty punk girls i wouldnt mind banging i've met...
[16:02] Oriphan:
[16:02] Oriphan: that one?
[16:03] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:03] Furvert_Fable2: heh i remember when u drew that
[16:04] Bru|Movie: yeah that one
[16:04] Oriphan: Hmmm....Lemme give your character a shot.
[16:04] Bru|Movie: and yeah, you would. you were around back then ^^:
[16:04] Oriphan: where the fuck is my stash of blank sketch paper? =__=
[16:04] * Oriphan fishes through desk
[16:05] Furvert_Fable2: hehe ya i feel like an old fuck been around the misfile place for what 5yrs now?
[16:05] Furvert_Fable2: lol
[16:06] Bru|Movie: shit yeah, you and me both smurf, near enough
[16:06] Tora-Chan: yo
[16:06] Furvert_Fable2: ya feels weird tho when u think about, its like man we've been BS'in and shit for the past 5 yrs and yet were still as fuckd up as we were when we meet
[16:07] * Bru|Movie laughs
[16:07] Bru|Movie: we're probably more screwed up then when we got here, who are you kiddin
[16:07] Furvert_Fable2: meh true we probably are
[16:07] Oriphan: Wah!
[16:07] Oriphan: I just about stepped on me poor pussy!
[16:07] Oriphan: T__T
[16:08] Oriphan: He was napping underneith his giant pillow.
[16:08] Oriphan: And I stepped on it.
[16:08] Furvert_Fable2: .... well maybe u should keep it more attached to ya then
[16:08] Oriphan: I mean my cat
[16:08] Oriphan: @_@
[16:08] Furvert_Fable2: oh well u should have said cat not pussy
[16:08] Bru|Movie: *chuckles*
[16:08] Oriphan: Same difference
[16:08] Oriphan: =P
[16:09] Bru|Movie: yup
[16:09] Furvert_Fable2: well no, cuz i like pussy but dont like cats and plus i cant fuck a cat but i can fuck a pussy
[16:09] Oriphan: and...I now have a stretching pussy under me desk....
[16:09] Oriphan: ...and it purrs.
[16:10] Oriphan: Are you sure about that last part Furvert?
[16:10] Oriphan: this is the internet you know...
[16:10] * Oriphan shivers
[16:10] Furvert_Fable2: no but if i were to fuck a cat now i dont think the police would find it as funny as i would
[16:10] Oriphan: @__@
[16:10] * Bru|Movie chuckles
[16:11] Furvert_Fable2: well it true tho
[16:11] Oriphan: indeed
[16:11] Oriphan: Dammit...I wish I could post this on the blog. lol.
[16:11] Oriphan: but I'm thinking I'm pushing it a little too far
[16:11] Bru|Movie: why cant you?
[16:11] Oriphan: I would need consent from Furvert
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: ROFL
[16:12] Bru|Movie: he'll give it :P
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: for 5$
[16:12] Oriphan: I dunno...we're talking about him like he can't read this shit
[16:12] Bru|Movie: for free *beats with deathfish*
[16:12] Oriphan: lmao
[16:12] Furvert_Fable2: owww oww ok for free just stop with the deathfish! that my weapon!
[16:13] Furvert_Fable2: Bru draw more cat girls............ >.>

Well...right now I'm working on Jace's drawing, since i promised him, I'd draw a character for him. And I'm also doodling here and there, as well as drawing concept sketches. All while working, and trying to get a second job @_@


Harri Conde said...

Furvert lovs da cats...

Pervert... FUR Vert.... cat lover extraordinaire...

brutus said...

Yeah, thats our smurf....