Unfortunately I didn't get as shitfaced as I hoped; @_@ but ah well.
We went to some friends' house for a party, ended up watching Hellsing, The Devil's Backbone, Family Guy, and the Daily Show with John Stewart (Scary, huh?), while drinking Yeager Bombs and jello shots, and downing Tacos. It was fun. Almost everyone dressed up. Sharon dressed up as Sarah Pallin with a shotgun, and a pin that said "hocky Mom". lol. Our friends Dan, and Krista(Hope I spelled it right, dear.) Dressed up as a kick boxer, and an undead bride. (the dress was beautiful =3). Justin dressed up as an old world European aristocrat. And our buddy mike dressed up as Captain Hammer from Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
Here's thee trailer if you guys wanna check it out. ((I'm not into musicals really))
anyway, the night went well, but the guys started playing Risk, which I felt was a bad idea, since it's a strategy game that takes 2-3 hours...I mean holy shit. Not to mention I wanted to make another party I promised to attend. [eye twitches]
Anyway, we bid our farewells, and headed to a party outside of town at 1:30 am. Unfortunately we were too late and missed the drama. [shrugs.] But I have to admit it was fun assassinating people, per the "boss's" Orders. ((The Host of the party is actually my boss at Subway. lol.)) after chill'n out and shooting the shit, I got bored and started holding people up with the air soft gun. It was pretty sweet since I got pocket change and candy out of it. =3 Wish I had some pictures. I'd post them here for you guys. Anyway, Justin and I took it upon ourselves to play some Marvel Vs. Capcom on the XBox. It was fun, but not as fun as Brawl.
3 am hit and Justin was getting a headache and a stomach ache from the smoke machine and the loud heavy metal music, we headed home. Since I was the only one drinking he drove.
And that's about the jist of our night. ^__^
Anyway...Thinking about playing Marvel Vs. Capcom last night, got me watching some videos on YouTube this guys did for Marvel Vs. DC. Bru knows what I'm talking about. lol.
I'll post some videos here. Check out this guys stuff. it's hilarious.
Here's some videos:
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: After Hours #2
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC. (Mac PC Parody) #3
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman #2
Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC: Iron Man and Batman #3
PS: Booya! First Post of the new Month
PPS: Ugh...I couldn't get the Halloween Drawing project done. T__T Ah well...
PPPS: And I'm sleepy:

I'm glad that yours went well. Here...I was working...and i heard an ambulance. On the news that night I heard that someone was driving fast down the street and hit a child and parent trick or treating. That's about it.
We need a blogmic...a blog short comic. Yes, I dunno if there's such a thing, but if not, then I'm a cool trendsetter.
I had to make a new account and then I found my real admin account. Yay me.
:( to the above ^^
Cool pic! I might start trying to learn to drawer.
OMG...that sucks.
MA drivers are the worst int he country I swear.
I remember some asshole almost ran em off the Bragga Bridge in Fall river.
He was being an aggressive ass.
anyway, sorry your Halloween didn't go as well as mine did. =(
And a blogmis sounds like a great idea...I just need time @_@ ( Have Wednesday off woohoo!)
Mind if I use your character? =3
I'll ask Bru if I can use his...
((Maybe even Include Harri? lol.))
draw me! DRAW MEEE! :P
I vote for drawing Harri too, since she was one of our first followers...not that we have many >.>
Yay draw me!!
You have me on facebook?
(Don't pic a photo with braces, me no have anymore)
lol. Alrighty...but I don't have Facebook....would I be able to still view it?
<---usaully hates social networks except Fuzz Academy and Deviant Art
Can Bru copy-paste you?
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