October 30, 2008


Yano when you have a bad day, and you wish something would go right?
I had a hell of a test today. But then I was shown this, and all is well:

thats right, 12 years in the making, The Real Adventurs of Jonny Quest are coming to DVD
*dances like a mad man!*

October 29, 2008

And sometimes, you get a pleasant surprise

Right well, with tests and quiz's and homework breathing down my back, I've been rather busy the past few days. And today was pretty much like the others: Sucky.

But then I found this: http://www.mtvmusic.com/

that Right there, is the first "cool" think MTV has done in a seriously long time. In an effort to basically give a giant middle finger to youtube, mtv has put up, online, FREE OF CHARGE, with almost NO annoy ad's, its ENTIRE Music Video Collection: From Thriller to Womanizer, David Bowie to My Chemical Romance, its all up online, free of charge. Check it out.

October 28, 2008

Chatty Goodness No.2

This is a conversation I had with Jace ^__^ I was on Trillian this time. =3
BTW...Beards...are...Awesome! XD

[00:07] jacenmandarin: *glomp*
[00:07] Demon_012: Meeps!
[00:07] Demon_012: [falls over]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: Hello super awesome person! ^_^
[00:08] Demon_012: O__O
[00:08] Demon_012: [stares]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: *huggles the super awesome Reigh-sama*
[00:10] Demon_012: Gah!
[00:10] Demon_012: What's with Sama?
[00:10] Demon_012: O.o
[00:10] jacenmandarin: *kneels before you*
[00:11] * Demon_012 stares
[00:11] jacenmandarin: Because, my Lady, that is how one addresses a Lady.
[00:11] * Demon_012 eye twitches
[00:11] Demon_012: Who you call'n a lady!?
[00:12] jacenmandarin: Would'st thou prefer Lord?
[00:14] Demon_012: Yes...yes I would actually
[00:14] Demon_012: =__O
[00:15] jacenmandarin: Very well. You're a rather beautiful Lord, did you know that? ^_^
[00:15] Demon_012: ^^;
[00:15] Demon_012: I'd rather be a badass ninja serving under a princess
[00:15] * Demon_012 has sparkly eyes
[00:16] jacenmandarin: Okay. You can be the Ninja, I'll be the princess.
[00:16] Demon_012: Woohoo!
[00:16] jacenmandarin: *digs out one of the old TF guns*
[00:16] * Demon_012 throws arms up in the air
[00:16] * Demon_012 kicks it out of his hands
[00:16] Demon_012: nu
[00:16] jacenmandarin: What?
[00:16] Demon_012: You have to wear a dress as a pretty man
[00:16] * Demon_012 snickers
[00:16] jacenmandarin: I needs to turn myself into a princess..
[00:16] jacenmandarin: But..I'm not pretty.
[00:16] jacenmandarin: :(
[00:16] jacenmandarin: T_T
[00:17] Demon_012: j00r pretty enough.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: No
[00:17] Demon_012: now, put on the dress! >__<
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I haz beard.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I not prettyz.
[00:17] Demon_012: We'll braid the beard
[00:17] Demon_012: it'll be awesome
[00:17] jacenmandarin: okay, now you're scaring me...
[00:17] Demon_012: lmao
[00:17] Demon_012: XD

PS: I finished that present for Kim <333

October 26, 2008

What lies ahead

Well, I'm acutally making an effort to put a blog to semidecent use, so here goes nothing.

It dawns on me today, sitting in a dark room that ive been in most of the weekend, watching Anime, that the next few weeks are gonna be a bitch.

I've got two tests, and a quiz this week. All on the same day. Now, I have the option of taking one test on Tuesday, instead of Thrusday, which is what I think i'll do. But that will make getting dinner before going to the weekly meeting of Anime club taht much harder. I also have a hard ass homework assignment due Tuesday, for a class that i will have a hard ass test in Thursday.  I also have another homework assignment in the class i ahve the quiz in to work on, and a midterm project report to write up for a project that i havent even stated yet (thats not due till next week tho). Joys of Senior year, no?

On the bright side, my girlfriend shows up Firday, for Halloween. The weekend, at least, should be fun

Rant: I love Virginia Tech, I really do, but I HATE the fact that NO WHERE on campus is open for breakfast before like, 11 am on the weekend. Now, I understand that most people assume that a college student is going to sleep in but still, this is just plain sad! Get off your asses, and make me food, goddamnit!


Finally! Finished with my DA-ID.
Check it:

I really needed practice on hands. So almost every drawing I do I'll be adding hands, instead of hiding them. The Apple's name is Core. ((Haha....please don't flog me.)) Anyway, Core was a bitch to color, and as you can tell the ring was Photoshopped, because I f**ked that up too. Meh...I'll keep on practicing though.

Here's my WIP:

It's a gift for my little bro. I have to get around to going over it with a softer lead, and cleaning it up. If the pencilwork comes out satisfactory, I might CG this one later in Photoshop. And once again....Hands =__=

Once I'm done with this one I'll be working on a free commish for my buddy Jace.

I still need to draw something up for Halloween. And finish the site graphics for this blog.

Rant: I hate getting paper cuts from things other than paper. Like plastic salad bowls at Subway.

October 23, 2008

Mmmm...the Chatty Goodness 1

Chat on Yahoo With Bru, While working on my new Dev ID:

Demon 012:
Brutus: hms
Brutus: nice, but therese on problem
Demon 012: Oh?
Brutus: no boobs
Demon 012: No shit
Demon 012: I'm making a stand against gender. >.>
Brutus: *pokes* you as boobs. ergo, id should have boobs *nods sagely*
Demon 012: I do
Demon 012: I'm a C cup boraderlining a D
Demon 012: *Borderlining
Brutus: *whistles* congrats ^_^
Demon 012: I hate having boobs =__= [blush]
Brutus: *fights hard not to laugh* my ex said the same thing. she was an e cup tho
Demon 012: I'ma tomboy though
Demon 012: tits are meaningless to me...MEANINGLESS!
Demon 012: Plus I dun wanna have kids...so having two milk bottles on me chest is pointless
Brutus: huh
Demon 012: ...POINTLESS!
Brutus: there is that
Brutus: but tits is not pointless
Brutus: tits are fun to play with *nods sagely*
Brutus: they are like model trains
Brutus: made for kids, but dads play with them far more
Demon 012: True...I do like playing with them every now and then
Demon 012: ...however
Demon 012: they get in mah way
Demon 012: and playing with them in public is a no no
Brutus: true
Brutus: ah well
Brutus: ^_^
Brutus: shame that, the no public play *nods sagely again*
Demon 012: I know, right....
Demon 012: >__>

Things about me

Well....Ori feels that if she has to make an intro post, i should too. So here goes.

I Like:
writing (rarely)
hot tea
target preactice
watching football (American football, college or pro, not that sissy soccer stuff :p )
regular comics
irish whisky
irish music, come to think of it
buch of other things

I love:
My girlfriend
my school (Go Hokies!)
The Washington Redskins!
my friends (you know who you are)
Anime (*is a total otaku*)
My family.
My Faith
The first snow of the year.

TV Shows:
Star Trek, in any form.

way too many to list

Lord....so many. My Favorite is Ah! Megami Sama tho

see above. Thers not much I dont like, other then Modern Country, and Rap.

I Dislike:
politicians. Most of them suck >.<
the college newspaper.
new jersey
Michael Moore
Asshole Professors.
Job Interviews
People who make their religion look stupid *shakes fist at all fanatics*
stupid people in general

I wish:
I didnt have class tomorrow.....

October 20, 2008

Things you should know for assassination attempts on Ori

I like...

Tactical Batons
Tear Gas....
Oh wait...that's my grocery list

I love video games:
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Force Unleashed
Mario Galaxy (Like Happy on crack I swear!)
God of War
Devil May Cry Series
Sly Cooper
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Burnout Series....
So yeah I like games

Anime...not gonna bother listing what I like.
Manga...Holy shit I read too much Manga. Let's leave it at that. >_>

Iced Tea (HOMG I love iced Tea sooooo much...I can live off that shit...well, not really.)
the internet
my cat (If you dare hold him hostage I'll kick your ass...)
Quies.(Meh....just don't kill him ok? =))
The color of Quies's eyes
I love to draw. Which is why I'm practicing

I love music sooo very...much. It frees the mind, and gets the creative juices flowing...

All my friends who are truly my friends...that includes online friends ^__^ You guys rock.
Even when I was alone you guys chased away the lonelies. <333


I hate...

People (The general public mostly)
paper cuts with cardboard boxes...
having my ears itch
people who act like sheep and believe EVERYTHING they hear or see.
most concepts of organized religion. (I like being a deist, but I'll totally respect people's beliefs and keep my comments to my self...unless some idiot decides to attack me...I'll live and let live if people do the same.))
Wars fought for stupid shit
Our country not minding our own business and worrying about foreign problems instead of worrying about our own economy
most of the republic views of how this country could be run
George W. Bush (Can't wait until election day)
Sarah Pallin (Seriously...she's so dumb, and she's so obvious about her little environmental scandals. And she's a heartless bitch, who's only in for money.)
Idiots who think our resources are INFINITE and waste them stupidly.
Spoiled Americans (And yes I'm an American too.)
Banks (Because they're such a huge scam as well.)
The color Pink...such a grotesque color in my opinion...


I wish...

I could be a hermit with internet connection
I had enough money to rescue all my friends from their miserable lives
I could walk around wear no shoes and just socks
I could find a nice pair of black bunny slippers with red eyes...In case you find some...I'm a size 6 1/2 in mens
I could afford a real katana, or a bastard sword...
I could go to college...
I could draw comics...I just can't find the drive too. meh
This list wasn't as long as it is....shit...I need to shorten it.

And so it begins...

This will be my first blog...I think.
Who knows, who cares.
Let's start a new.

Current WIP:

I'm working on a gift for my little brother Chin, who's in Switzerland. I'll post a finished drawing of it later, when I actually finish it.

Ugh...still working on the layout for this thing...