BTW...Beards...are...Awesome! XD
[00:07] jacenmandarin: *glomp*
[00:07] Demon_012: Meeps!
[00:07] Demon_012: [falls over]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: Hello super awesome person! ^_^
[00:08] Demon_012: O__O
[00:08] Demon_012: [stares]
[00:08] jacenmandarin: *huggles the super awesome Reigh-sama*
[00:10] Demon_012: Gah!
[00:10] Demon_012: What's with Sama?
[00:10] Demon_012: O.o
[00:10] jacenmandarin: *kneels before you*
[00:11] * Demon_012 stares
[00:11] jacenmandarin: Because, my Lady, that is how one addresses a Lady.
[00:11] * Demon_012 eye twitches
[00:11] Demon_012: Who you call'n a lady!?
[00:12] jacenmandarin: Would'st thou prefer Lord?
[00:14] Demon_012: Yes...yes I would actually
[00:14] Demon_012: =__O
[00:15] jacenmandarin: Very well. You're a rather beautiful Lord, did you know that? ^_^
[00:15] Demon_012: ^^;
[00:15] Demon_012: I'd rather be a badass ninja serving under a princess
[00:15] * Demon_012 has sparkly eyes
[00:16] jacenmandarin: Okay. You can be the Ninja, I'll be the princess.
[00:16] Demon_012: Woohoo!
[00:16] jacenmandarin: *digs out one of the old TF guns*
[00:16] * Demon_012 throws arms up in the air
[00:16] * Demon_012 kicks it out of his hands
[00:16] Demon_012: nu
[00:16] jacenmandarin: What?
[00:16] Demon_012: You have to wear a dress as a pretty man
[00:16] * Demon_012 snickers
[00:16] jacenmandarin: I needs to turn myself into a princess..
[00:16] jacenmandarin: But..I'm not pretty.
[00:16] jacenmandarin: :(
[00:16] jacenmandarin: T_T
[00:17] Demon_012: j00r pretty enough.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: No
[00:17] Demon_012: now, put on the dress! >__<
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I haz beard.
[00:17] jacenmandarin: I not prettyz.
[00:17] Demon_012: We'll braid the beard
[00:17] Demon_012: it'll be awesome
[00:17] jacenmandarin: okay, now you're scaring me...
[00:17] Demon_012: lmao
[00:17] Demon_012: XD
PS: I finished that present for Kim <333

*snorts with laughter*
You is awesome drawer
Wah! Thank you! ^__^
Wish I could draw like that. Really!
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