Demon 012:

Brutus: hms
Brutus: nice, but therese on problem
Demon 012: Oh?
Brutus: no boobs
Demon 012: No shit
Demon 012: I'm making a stand against gender. >.>
Brutus: *pokes* you as boobs. ergo, id should have boobs *nods sagely*
Demon 012: I do
Demon 012: I'm a C cup boraderlining a D
Demon 012: *Borderlining
Brutus: *whistles* congrats ^_^
Demon 012: I hate having boobs =__= [blush]
Brutus: *fights hard not to laugh* my ex said the same thing. she was an e cup tho
Demon 012: I'ma tomboy though
Demon 012: tits are meaningless to me...MEANINGLESS!
Demon 012: Plus I dun wanna have having two milk bottles on me chest is pointless
Brutus: huh
Demon 012: ...POINTLESS!
Brutus: there is that
Brutus: but tits is not pointless
Brutus: tits are fun to play with *nods sagely*
Brutus: they are like model trains
Brutus: made for kids, but dads play with them far more
Demon 012: True...I do like playing with them every now and then
Demon 012: ...however
Demon 012: they get in mah way
Demon 012: and playing with them in public is a no no
Brutus: true
Brutus: ah well
Brutus: ^_^
Brutus: shame that, the no public play *nods sagely again*
Demon 012: I know, right....
Demon 012: >__>
My Grand Slam didn't come with bacon.
Hahaha, boobies!
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