March 16, 2009

Thre must see online videos.

The videos I'm posting are video's shown to me by other people, made by this one guys and his group. They're badass. They're fan videos, so if you like video games as much as I do, I'm sure you'd definitely enjoy at least one or all of these.

Haloid ((Samus Vs. Master Chief.)) ..Need I say more?

Dead Fantasy I ((Final Fantasy vs Dead Or Alive))

Dead Fantasy II ((Final Fantasy vs Dead Or Alive))

Can't wait until Dead Fantasy III comes out. You should also check out his other stuff at

March 5, 2009

Blackout Ireland

So i just found out in my Net Law course today that the Recording Industry in Ireland of all places, are telling ISP's who can access the internet. They will supply ISP's with the names of ppl that download illegally, and then the ISP's will cut off the persons access to the internet unless they stop. So far, one ISP in Ireland has agreed. 

Now, whether or not you agree with file sharing is not the point. My issue is this: a private company is regulating access to the internet.  They are saying who can go online, and who cant, and thats just wrong.

So, this is the start of Blackout Week for Ireland. This article explains whats going on far better then I can:

and this is one of the sites about the movement of protest:

bascially, just change your profile pictures to black. Myself, I've added "blackout Ireland" to mine so ppl get the point.

WHy does this matter to you or me, if we're not in Ireland? If they can get away with it there, they can get away with it anywhere....