December 3, 2008

The State of Brutus

Right, so, I just got back from Thanksgiving break, which was much needed, tho not as great as it could have been. For one, I didn't get any work I had planed to done, and all this week I have been paying for it, dearly. Me and sleep have not seen much of each other, and I am so sick of typing papers I almost want to chuck my computer out the window (working on a damn 20 page paper will do that). Also, we're behind on comming up with presentations and yeah, kicking my ass all over the place.

The big downside of the break tho, was the call I got Tuesday Night. Turns out a friend of mine had tried to kill himself. He managed not to, backed out at the end, called the cops, and was rescued. Turns out he had some kind of latent non diagnosed case of depression. We don;t think he'll be coming back next semester, which sucks. What sucks more is he visited the apartment he'd been at before his mom took him home, but she wouldnt let him stay the 5 extra minutes for me to see him and say hi and what not, so I'm a wee bit upset with her right now.

All of that aside tho, the break was good. I did get to relax, and my girlfriend was able to come down. The family seemed ok with it, which is good, cause I intend to have her come back down for Christmas. It might be harder to get that Ok'd with my family tho. They can be...old fashioned and bitchy about things. Christmas is for family and what not, and they may not want my girlfriend there. They might be thinking that I'm moving "too fast" but really, when your own grandmother got married 6 months after meeting her husband, do my mom and dad have any room to bitch? No, I didnt think so.

But yeah, right now I'm sitting in the campus library, taking a break between working on different projects, trying for the love of God to get the damn song "Baby its cold out side" out of my head :P....stupid music.....


Oriphan said...

Aw, sorry to hear about your friend. =( Hope you can get back on track. And have a wonderful Christmas. =3

Oh and better "Baby its cold out side" than Britteny Spear's "Womanizer" song. For the love of god. I'm about to go to our local radio station and beat the shit out of the DJ, who keeps putting that song on the air. Because it must play a good 30 times a day int he gas station I work in. =__=

Harri Conde said...

I just watched Harry Hill's TV Burp where they took the mick out of her on X factor over here...oh dear...

Hope you have a good christmas, and I'm glad your friend is OK for now, even if it sounds like he has a long road to recovery...
