November 9, 2008

Hai Guiz 8D

So, I guess I should use my first official post of the month to introduce myself. I'm Kazaein (don't ask what that means - I don't know either) and I live in the United States Midwest. I am a lover of all things Asian, Spanish, African... basically anything that has nothing to do with my own culture. I suppose that should warning bells off in my head, but so far I guess not... >_> I'm here as a writer knight, so writing I shall do. Probably a lot of poems and short stories ahead, but I also like to prattle on forever on my opinion about stuff. Usually it's a mixed bag.

I love anime/manga, so it's nice to know a lot of you do, too! Not that I've been reading or watching anything new lately... I've had volume one of D-Grayman for two months now and I STILL haven't read it, but some of my all time favorite series are Fushigi Yugi, Detective Conan, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Princess Mononoke. I'm a closet romantic, but when I'm out of the closet I like to watch things blow up. Hell yes. So, naturally I LOVED the Dark Knight and want to see it again. :P

Let's see... what else... I have a pug mix/mut named Pepsi, and I spend way too much time on the computer. I love drawing, writing, and reading... (I have to admit that one of my most geeky habits is writing fanfiction for anime series), and I'm bipolar. I have no idea why you should know that, but I told you, so there. But it's not like I'm a psycho or anything, so you're all safe. OR ARE YOU. *shifty eyes* I also have an obsession with chocolate and naptime. And that's pretty much all there is to me. ^_^

Thanks for reading!


Kei Trains said...

n-n-n-nap.....time? whuzzat?
Well as a writing persony knight dhey person that I am, I'd love to toss ideas around with ya. I love writing poetry and now and then I dust off an old story I am writing and plan to never complete it cause I'm hoping for no more unemployments. I tried hard to be an idiot here.

-The End.

??? said...

:D Being an idiot is a very exact science. It is not something you can simply try at, you must eat, sleep, and breathe the idiotic.

-The End (x2)

P.S- I'd love to toss ideas around with you! I'll just have to come up with something of my own first. By the way, naps are awesome. You should try it... everyone is doing it.

Harri Conde said...

Naptime FTW!

Kei Trains said...

Yeah, but if everyone jumps off a bridge, am I going to without a parachute? Nope.


...and me is free.


Oriphan said...

Freedom is Nudity!
[streaks on by]

Harri Conde said...

Yay! Streaking!


Harri Conde said...

Hey guys, I've been taking a peek at your DA pages... wow!!


Oriphan said...

[huggles Harri]
Thank you!

And Kaza you should post some fanfict on here. ^__^
I'd love to read them =3

??? said...

D: I wouldn't want your eyes to melt off...

Oriphan said...

Oh but, I beg to differ. lol.

Harri Conde said...


Its all GOOD!!

And you've got the "content warning"..


??? said...

XD Maybe eventually I will, then. But I still have to find out how to work this thing... I'm new to blogs. ^^; Until then you can see my stuff under my 'Ayriel' account on BUT I WARNED YOU!

...Nekkid menz are better. ;D

Harri Conde said...


Nekkid ladies

Oriphan said...

just not nekkid cats
that's just odd....

Harri Conde said...

Except for Furvert_Fable2...
Who is aptly named.