[14:22] Kei: Uh
[14:22] Kei: I enjoy Finland, long walks into the ocean, Wii, drawing, creating a universe in which we cna live and enjoy
[14:22] Starke: and sweedish porn
[14:23] Oriphan: And japanese hentai
[14:23] Starke: and american hentai
[14:24] Starke: "I enjoy long romantic walks on the beach and wearing my ex's skins like suits
[14:24] Starke: "
[14:24] Kei: There you go, a perfect profile.
[14:25] Kadunta: "I'm an introverted male with an academic degree. 'Renovate to your liking'."
[14:25] Oriphan: I think I'm getting turned on....
[14:25] Oriphan: lol
[14:25] * Starke stops scratching the inside of Oriphan
[14:25] Kei: So you're an old skool Finn
[14:25] Starke: er
[14:25] Starke: fuck
[14:25] Starke: that's not what I was going to type
[14:25] Oriphan: Oh wait...that was just Starke
[14:25] Oriphan: lol.
[14:26] Kei: that was.....
[14:26] * Starke stops scratching the inside of Oriphan's thigh*
[14:26] Kei: yeah.
[14:26] Starke: I hit enter instead of '
[14:26] Oriphan: lmao
[14:26] Kei: uh huh
[14:26] Kadunta: I don't know how it goes in English... but "Renovate to your liking" in house ads means "Inhabitable without a thorough renovation."
[14:26] Kei: that'swhat's called a freudian slip =p
[14:26] Oriphan: Well I have this itch on the inside of my throat I was hoping you could take care of, Starkeh
[14:26] Kei: renovate to your liking means "change me however you want"
[14:27] Kadunta: Yah. That too.
[14:28] Kadunta: Tomorrow to maybe join a union.
[14:28] Kei: I stil say
[14:28] Kei: you just need to get out there
[14:28] Kei: and talk to people
[14:28] Kei: about anything
[14:28] Kei: find things to enjoy
[14:28] Kei: make fun for fun
[14:28] Starke: well
[14:28] Starke: anything except how best to skin a prostitute
[14:28] Oriphan: Mind if I turn that part of the convo into chatty goodness No. 4 on the Blog?
[14:29] Starke: that one tends to make for akward dates
[14:29] Kei: lol =p
We end up having the most fucked up convos sometimes. lol
Yes I had one in real life that was fun. It happened During D&D yesterday. I can't quote it word for word, but I'll try my best:
Julie: So would I be able to see the enemy passed the wolf?
Dan2: Well yeah
Miso Dan: Well, if you think about it, a wolf doesn't take up all those squares. I mean a wolf consists of legs, teeth and claws.
Ori: No you won't. Wolves take up 10 ft squares because they're cubed. [snickers]
[pauses for a moment....]
I'ma draw that.
[wonders if you could apply a gelatinous cube template to a wolf....]

Hope you guys enjoyed this.
Can I have a gelatinous wolf cube?
Yes...yes you can. lol
It's not a party without the trains runnin' wild. Jus' sayin' is all.
Yay! :)
How do I share my story then? Can I put it on my blog and password protect it?
anyway i dun it
not password protected but i dun it
Hmm... Maybe I should get back to being in IRC more often again...
Yeah, right, like that'll ever happen! :P
aw. Why not, AZ?
AZ won't go back without me around. It's a known fact.
Aw, boo.
I miss AZ in the chat
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