-End post.
Using Garlic is a myth spread by Vampires to get their victims to season themselves.
Hullo again sports fans. Jacen here with another anime for you to enjoy. To Aru Majutsu no Index, a.k.a. A Certain Magical Index; in a world where psychic powers are common but magic supposedly doesn't exist, Kamijō Tōma, a low level esper who's only ability seems to be canceling out other's powers with his right hand, is sent on a wild ride when a nun by the name of Index shows up on his doorstep claiming to be chased by Sorcerers...and turns out not to be lying.
This series is fun, well written and action packed with some truly beautiful animation. The story is compelling and seems to only be getting better after the introduction eps. Tōma is a good guy, unfortunately suffering from seemingly unending bad luck. Index is precious, cute as a button. Fan service so far has been kept to a minimum thankfully and the show seems to be a good mix of comedy and action with actual story thrown in. Hopefully it will stay that way. I recommend this one highly and as we're only up to episode seven, now is a good time to get in.
That's all for now. Good night, and keep watching the skis! Uhh...skies...>_> (ten points if you get the reference ^_^)
P.S. Happy Birthday Ori-Kun and Kei-Chan! You're both another year more awesome!
Well, I never actually thought I'd find myself posting in a blog but here I am and darn it, I intend to post regularly. A bit of personal info to start. I'm Jacen, maybe that's my real name, maybe not. I'm from the South Eastern United States and yes, living less than an hour from the beach is awesome. Living closer would be too, except for those darn hurricanes. If you're interested in my interests, check out the appropriate section of my profile. I'll be writing here often I hope, giving reviews of things I'm currently interested in, books, anime, politics, what have you. Big thanks to Ori-kun for giving me the opportunity to do so. So, without any further prattling on about myself since I know you really don't care anyway, I'll get on with my first review.
Yozakura Quartet! The story of a small town in, you guessed it, Japan, where humans and youkai live together in relative harmony. When youkai go bad, our team of...public servants actually...almost all of whom seem to be teenagers or younger...including the mayor...uh...go figure...jump into action, ready to take down the bad guy and put things right again.
So far, only five episodes are out but to be honest, this is already one of my all time favorites. The characters are fun and engaging and there seems to be some real story here. As near as I can tell there are only 12 episodes expected so far which to me is a shame, especially considering the manga is already up to five volumes (which I fully intend to find a copy of). I'll keep you all posted if there is a change in the number of episodes. I truly recommend you put this on your to watch list if you haven't already.
Sayonara for now,