October 26, 2008

What lies ahead

Well, I'm acutally making an effort to put a blog to semidecent use, so here goes nothing.

It dawns on me today, sitting in a dark room that ive been in most of the weekend, watching Anime, that the next few weeks are gonna be a bitch.

I've got two tests, and a quiz this week. All on the same day. Now, I have the option of taking one test on Tuesday, instead of Thrusday, which is what I think i'll do. But that will make getting dinner before going to the weekly meeting of Anime club taht much harder. I also have a hard ass homework assignment due Tuesday, for a class that i will have a hard ass test in Thursday.  I also have another homework assignment in the class i ahve the quiz in to work on, and a midterm project report to write up for a project that i havent even stated yet (thats not due till next week tho). Joys of Senior year, no?

On the bright side, my girlfriend shows up Firday, for Halloween. The weekend, at least, should be fun

Rant: I love Virginia Tech, I really do, but I HATE the fact that NO WHERE on campus is open for breakfast before like, 11 am on the weekend. Now, I understand that most people assume that a college student is going to sleep in but still, this is just plain sad! Get off your asses, and make me food, goddamnit!


Oriphan said...

Wow, sounds busy
And I feel your pain...only oposite.

There's an awesome home style breakfast/lunch diner that closes at like 4 pm. And Justin and I always think to eat out at like 4:30 half the time. So we're like fuuuuck....I want pancakes bitch! >__<

If you ever visit WI, give me a holler. I'll treat you to this place. They rock iHop so hard.

brutus said...

heh. well, when i get around to getting up to that area of the nation, i'll take you up on that offer ^_^

but yeah, it dawns on me that my rant wasnt complete enough: other then burgerking or mc'd's theres nothing in walking distance that does breakfast off campus either. well, ok, theres Joe's which is sheer awesome, but its a toss up as to if they have enough employees working....