Yes you read the title right. It's the first Chatty Goodness of the year. And I'm glad to say I have made new years resolutions.
I mean why make promises you can't keep? Instead I wanna just look ahead and make goals. Anyway, I'll finish this rant another day.
Made on Trillian, with Jace.....sorta.
[15:26] jacenmandarin: It's okay.
[15:26] Demon_012: yays!
[15:26] Demon_012: You;re on!
[15:27] jacenmandarin: indeed I am
[15:27] Demon_012: So what do you think of the anime?
[15:27] jacenmandarin: Oh, ep 12 of Shkabane Hime is up.
[15:27] jacenmandarin: It
[15:27] jacenmandarin: is
[15:27] jacenmandarin: awesome
[15:27] jacenmandarin: !!!
[15:27] Demon_012: sweet!
[15:27] jacenmandarin: So is Kuroshitsuji. ^_^
[15:27] jacenmandarin: I love both of 'em.
[15:27] Demon_012: Link meh? I forgot to save the link @__@
[15:27] Demon_012: Kuroshitsuji is fun too <3
[15:28] jacenmandarin:
[15:28] * Demon_012 has been DL music, for Oreh found his iPod USB adapter <33333333333333333
[15:28] jacenmandarin: ^_^
[15:28] jacenmandarin: oh, good news
[15:28] Demon_012: Oooo.
[15:28] jacenmandarin: iTunes is going DRM free
[15:28] Demon_012: DRM?
[15:28] jacenmandarin: brb
[15:29] Demon_012: <---acroynym stupid
[15:29] jacenmandarin: wikipedia it. ^_^
[15:29] Demon_012: Aw snap!
[15:30] Demon_012: My Limewire is taking over me anime DL!
[15:30] Demon_012: >__<
[15:30] * Demon_012 grumbles
[15:31] Demon_012: Data Refrence Model?
[15:32] Demon_012: Diarhea Rectal Maps?
[15:32] Demon_012: Degenerate Reinforced Mules?
[15:32] Demon_012: Diagnol Roullette Monicles?
[15:33] Demon_012: Divine Rinoes Medics
[15:33] Demon_012:'re not there are you?
[15:33] Demon_012: =__=
[15:34] Demon_012: Desmin Related Myopathy
[15:34] Demon_012: Oh I gotta look that one up
[15:34] Demon_012: >__>
[15:35] Demon_012: Dipshits Running Mascots?
[15:36] Demon_012: Defusing Rock Marsupials
[15:36] Demon_012: Holy shit I spelled that right
[15:36] Demon_012:'re actually there, laughing at me aren't you
[15:36] Demon_012: =__=
[15:36] jacenmandarin: digital rights management
[15:37] Demon_012: Hay
[15:37] Demon_012: Welcome back!
[15:37] jacenmandarin: Hi.
[15:37] Demon_012: ^__^
[15:37] jacenmandarin: I went to the shower.
[15:37] jacenmandarin: You will notice the brb from a couple of minutes ago. ^_^
[15:37] jacenmandarin: also, brb again. getting drinkies. ^^
[15:38] Demon_012: o__O
[15:38] Demon_012: I'm posting this one on the blog.
[15:39] Demon_012: mmm...cranberry Juice....
[15:39] Demon_012: Helps prevent the need for the second guess I made....though spelled incorrectly. =__=
[15:43] jacenmandarin: schwa?
[15:44] jacenmandarin: what are you putting on the blog?
[15:44] Demon_012: The convo with myself =P
[15:44] Demon_012: lol.
[15:44] jacenmandarin: ahh
[15:44] Demon_012: new song is up
[15:44] Demon_012: I love Chris Cornell's voice.
[15:45] * Demon_012 shoves him to the blog to listen
PS: I know...I suck at spelling. So there. =__=
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