Life's ups and downs...mostly downs.
[Rant]People drive me nuts. They always have. But the more I deal with the general public the more evident that my patience is slowly diminishing. One of my biggest pet peeves is the lack of manners and listening skills people seem to have. The lack of "Pleases" and "Thank yous" are growing. Maybe people are just on edge due to the poor state of our economy. What people fail to realize is, our generation is that of spoiled brats. But I'll save that rant for another day. ah listening skills. Remember in elementary/Jr. high we had to take a listening skills test? I think 85% of the people I deal with on a daily basis would fail, if they took it. You ask them one thing and they answer with something completely non-related to the question. I mean...when does "What kind of bread?" translate to "would you like a meal?" (Yes I still work at subway. =P) Another thing that pisses me off, is idiots who are on their cell phone, while you're trying to help them with their order. Drives me nuts. Especially, when they think just because no one is behind them, you have all the time in the world to wait around for them to make their order. This isn't McDonalds. We don't have 10 people who could serve you. I have other shit to do. -__- Or worse when there is an ungodly line behind them, and their 30 second order is turning into a 5 minute ordeal, because they have to take orders off their cell. ok I'm done. I feel a bit better...[/rant]Anyway, Alaster got sick for about a week. (My computer) He caught some seriously nasty malware. It attacked my OS. My computer would only start every once in a while. It got so bad, that I resorted to some drastic measures...I went to Best Buy. Because we all know Circuit City went bankrupt. =__= I bought a 500GB external Hardrive($89, not bad) and Webroot Spysweeper with Antivirus ($50 not too too bad for supposed good shit) I saved all my anime, music, and artworks onto my external, and reformatted Alaster completely. Then I installed Webroot, and Spybot Search and Destroy. I'll be getting a flashdrive with Macfee, and other antiviral software, for like $30 on my next paycheck. I'm broke right now due to Valentines Day speaking of Valentines Day, it's also our Anniversary ((4 years of me being with my manfriend)) He bought me 3 roses, and a cakes with this picture on it:
and one other rose on the cake to make 4 roses. I wish I had taken a pic of it, but the battery on the camera was dead, and we were both drooling over the cake. lol Que ended up working on V-day, but i treated him to Dinner at O'Charleys afterward. Well I took a pregnancy test to see if there was anything to the expanding belly of mine. Only to find out I'm just getting fat. =__= So I've decided to start a diet and work-out regiment, and was planning on doing that starting yesterday...Only to have a 100.5 temp all day. I couldn't move, and was sick as a dog. Totally sucked, because I didn't get to exercise or go and play the Zombie RPG that was scheduled for Monday. T_T Plus I had to call out of work today. Anyway, overall, it's good to Have Alaster up and running. I finally got all the programs I wanted back on him, with the exception of Photoshop.[cough] I'll remedy that later. ^___^ know you're a geek when you spend $139 on your computer but won't go to the doctor. ^__^;;;
Maybe you should go to the doctor...
I would, except I have a terrible phobia of hospitals and doctors. ^^;;;
ah I see... so we are pretty sharing the same shit situation... yesterday my tablet PC died... I need to format it I think... to my good surprised it was just one day before they released the homework for this entry exam the next day (this morning) and now I have 13 days left to do some art without a tablet haha...
-Lil' Bro Chin
thinking about it... Que really used that pic again? XD hahaha
Lol saying ur afraid of the drs will kinda negate the comment about being a geek =)
I forgot what I was gonna say =) Glad to see ur kinda back =)
Too bad u couldnt have contacted me, I woulda had it all fixed for ya =p
Sorry to hear that Ori. *hugs* I hope things turn around.
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