And I thought I was bad for being away from here for so long. Pffft. You should all be very, very ashamed.
Truthfully though, I haven't been doing much that I deem worthy of posting here, at least not writing-wise. I have written since my last post here... when was that, two years ago?! XD Since then, I've started the sequel of my "Angels" novel as well as won another International Novel Writing Month with a total of 83,000 words. Sadly, though, the book (tentatively called "Mercenaries") is still not finished. Still, I'm happy with the way it's turning out. And I've also begun writing short stories *gasp*. Never thought I'd say that, but it's true. Usually I hate them - I can never form an idea that doesn't take me 50,000 words to execute, but I digress. All in all, things have been a-okay.
I don't know whether I should start back to posting actual excerpts here - anything I would write here would be pretty redundant, seeing as I will be posting on my deviantArt account and the writing blog I just created (shocking, I know) much more frequently. I suppose I could post some rough drafts or short vignettes here that I wouldn't type up elsewhere, but I guess that depends on whether or not anyone is really interested. I could talk about something else... *shrugs*
Also: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Not watching it? WATCH IT, DAMN YOU.
Hope everyone is having a safe and happy 2010 (just two more years until total annihilation - time to party like 1999!!!!)
The Knights of the New Moon
Using Garlic is a myth spread by Vampires to get their victims to season themselves.
January 27, 2010
July 5, 2009
Alive and well with a Pilsner
Howdy fans. Its been oh...ages? Life hit me a bit hard, and so my time for beer tasting and reviewing, well, took a back seat for a while. Between getting sick, getting better, and moving, and yeah, starting a new job. In any case, Im back, and I've got a review.
So, when we last spoke, I had just tried the Nut Brown Ale. And I liked it. A lot. However, I had said it was a close call between the NBA, and the Pilsner. Well, I just tried the Pilsner.

So, sadly, it was just me this time, since I'm no longer living with my folks (downside of moving is you only get my point of view). This is what I got after a pour:

Starts off with a nice head, and a light golden color, smelled like a typical Pilsner. There was definitely a bite to it, but it wasn't bad. I'd say its refreshing. Had a nice after taste but I wouldn't call it smooth. Personally, I think this would go well with a burger, but I've been doing my best to not eat anything while doing an initial taste test.
Overall, this is a summer beer. Better tasting then the Porter IMO, but not as good as the Nut Brown. And it has no serious aftertaste. Bonus.
Stay tuned my friends (if your out there), more uptdates on the way.
So, when we last spoke, I had just tried the Nut Brown Ale. And I liked it. A lot. However, I had said it was a close call between the NBA, and the Pilsner. Well, I just tried the Pilsner.

So, sadly, it was just me this time, since I'm no longer living with my folks (downside of moving is you only get my point of view). This is what I got after a pour:

Starts off with a nice head, and a light golden color, smelled like a typical Pilsner. There was definitely a bite to it, but it wasn't bad. I'd say its refreshing. Had a nice after taste but I wouldn't call it smooth. Personally, I think this would go well with a burger, but I've been doing my best to not eat anything while doing an initial taste test.
Overall, this is a summer beer. Better tasting then the Porter IMO, but not as good as the Nut Brown. And it has no serious aftertaste. Bonus.
Stay tuned my friends (if your out there), more uptdates on the way.
May 25, 2009
Round 3: Nut Brown Ale
So, No posts the past few days, because I've no time to drink past few nights. Sorry bout that, but life catches up to you some times, and I don't always feel like downing a beer (or half a beer, whatever) right before bed.
In any case, I debated a bit between trying the Nut Brown ale, or the Pilsner. I'd never had a Nut Brown ale, or any kind of Brown ale for that matter (to my knowledge). I've no idea what a Brown Ale is. I have had pilsners tho, So I decided on the Nut Brown Ale instead:
In anycase, poured myself and my Dad a glass (he's been going drink for drink with me so far, other then the porter). It poured well, and had a nice Head. Thats the first thing I noticed anyways. Either it just forms a head better then the other beers, or I was getting better at pouring. The color was similar to the Spring Lager, as you can see below
I gave it a good sniff (required of all beer snobs to do so), and noted taht what sent it had was faint and (get this) nutty. Big surprsie, right? It was also very mouthwatering.
As for taste, it was surprisingly sweet. More so then the Spring Lager. And, not surprisingly, there was a nutty aftertaste. Not like peanuts or cashews, but more like walnuts or almonds ( I don't regularly eat walnuts or almonds, so it's hard for me to say which one it was the most like). I'd be curious to see what nuts go into the mix for the beer, but I figure thats one of those Trade Secret thingies (least ways I didn't see any ingrediants listed on the site). There was some bite to it, but not enough to make me cringe.
As far as aftertaste, what little there was of it was actually kinda pleasent. The whole thing went down and tasted very smooth as well. I came out liking it very much. Best one I've had so far.
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