January 27, 2010

Where the hell is everyone?!

And I thought I was bad for being away from here for so long. Pffft. You should all be very, very ashamed.

Truthfully though, I haven't been doing much that I deem worthy of posting here, at least not writing-wise. I have written since my last post here... when was that, two years ago?! XD Since then, I've started the sequel of my "Angels" novel as well as won another International Novel Writing Month with a total of 83,000 words. Sadly, though, the book (tentatively called "Mercenaries") is still not finished. Still, I'm happy with the way it's turning out. And I've also begun writing short stories *gasp*. Never thought I'd say that, but it's true. Usually I hate them - I can never form an idea that doesn't take me 50,000 words to execute, but I digress. All in all, things have been a-okay.

I don't know whether I should start back to posting actual excerpts here - anything I would write here would be pretty redundant, seeing as I will be posting on my deviantArt account and the writing blog I just created (shocking, I know) much more frequently. I suppose I could post some rough drafts or short vignettes here that I wouldn't type up elsewhere, but I guess that depends on whether or not anyone is really interested. I could talk about something else... *shrugs*

Also: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Not watching it? WATCH IT, DAMN YOU.

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy 2010 (just two more years until total annihilation - time to party like 1999!!!!)


College Term Papers said...

I guess that depends on whether or not anyone is really interested.

??? said...

Thank you for your pointless comment used for advertising your morally-deficient term paper website. Happy blogging. <3

brutus said...

Holy shit I haven't checked back in here since January? I fail T_T