So, when we last spoke, I had just tried the Nut Brown Ale. And I liked it. A lot. However, I had said it was a close call between the NBA, and the Pilsner. Well, I just tried the Pilsner.

So, sadly, it was just me this time, since I'm no longer living with my folks (downside of moving is you only get my point of view). This is what I got after a pour:

Starts off with a nice head, and a light golden color, smelled like a typical Pilsner. There was definitely a bite to it, but it wasn't bad. I'd say its refreshing. Had a nice after taste but I wouldn't call it smooth. Personally, I think this would go well with a burger, but I've been doing my best to not eat anything while doing an initial taste test.
Overall, this is a summer beer. Better tasting then the Porter IMO, but not as good as the Nut Brown. And it has no serious aftertaste. Bonus.
Stay tuned my friends (if your out there), more uptdates on the way.